God, I just thank You. Thank You for never leaving us.
In Him, You Can Find Complete Rest.
Friday, February 19, 2021
"His Spirit Always Follows."
God, your presence is SO refreshing and gives me chills. "I could run a million miles, but your spirit always follows." Thank You for continuously pouring into me. Thank you for giving me the ability to be able to press into your presence and truly feel you all around. Thank You for protecting me and my children. Thank You for favoring us. Thank You for our home. Thank You for always providing and being right on time. Thank you for your love even when I don't cling to you. Thank You for these moments to sit with my children and let them intake this worship music and prayer time with me. May they tuck You into their hearts and mind and never forget You. I pray that You fill them up even at this young age. May they desire to worship You and learn more about You. I thank You that Calvin already knows so much of your word and for Aniyah being able to hear and catch out to even just songs about you. May they cling to You when times get rough. May they always know that You can help them through anything they may encounter in the physical and even their spiritual battles. I thank You for their spirit of discernment even at this young age. May they continue to walk in authority, knowing that they are children of the MOST HIGH!
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Something is Shifting.
Something is happening. I can feel and sense it so strongly. I need to stay pressed into Your presence, but sometimes I don’t make the time in order to do so. God, You know my deepest desires and You know some of my deepest hearts’ cries. I am going to start this series on relationship goals & God I’m asking for complete clarity on what I need to do. Purify my heart, mind, and soul. Help me to forgive and help me to stand firm on my convictions and desires. After life has gotten so intertwined, sometimes it’s hard to see things individually. God, I want to be adamant about protecting this relationship with You first and foremost. I know that everything else will follow. Keep my intentions pure. Keep my focus on You and my lane. I haven’t fully went head first into a fast and I know why, but I can’t shake this feeling. My spirit is really yearning for that deep connection and if I keep surprising it or half doing it, I’ll continue getting partial results! I’ve experienced that indescribable feeling that only YOU can provide. From this point on, I am going to just do what I know needs to be done and trust that the ones who are supposed to understand and still be around, will be!
There’s so many amazing things happening and I have no clue what’s about to happen & when, but I need to be prepared and God I know where my foundation and strength comes from.
There’s so many amazing things happening and I have no clue what’s about to happen & when, but I need to be prepared and God I know where my foundation and strength comes from.
Friday, February 1, 2019
Will you still keep going even if you don't know the outcome?
Will you still keep pushing in spite of?
Will you continue to trust even when the things around you look impossible?
Trust in Him. Not in others & not in your carnal nature!
His ways are not Yours!
Feel it in your bones. Envision it. Slaughter the doubt.

Renewing Your Mind
Thank You God for always being so gracious...even in the midst of!
Watch one of my latest videos regarding a lesson I learned on the importance of constantly being mindful of our thoughts.
Watch one of my latest videos regarding a lesson I learned on the importance of constantly being mindful of our thoughts.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
Dear you...
They're not "mistakes" anymore, they're choices. You know better, but you still decide that you're going to go back down that same path.
You know what you should and could do, but you don't.
You shout, cry, praise, and are in a good place temporarily, but it never lasts longer than a few hours, days, or months.
When will you TRULY decide that enough is enough? When will you finally stop allowing the temporary tough times to drive you to make impulsive decisions? When will you stop allowing the desire for a mate or these temporary worldly things to outweigh your desire for me?
When will you TRULY place your life in my hands? Not hold on to bits and pieces, but FULLY surrender it to me?
I know you're called to greater heights. You know you're called to greater heights. So why do you keep going around the same mountain and backtracking to the last course that I pulled you through?
When will you get tired of being stagnant and "learning the same lesson?" When will you be ready for new lessons and new triumphs?
Time stops for no man, so why keep WASTING it? Why keep wasting resources? Why keep using and abusing opportunities?
When will your YES to me really mean that? When will you NO to them and THAT really mean it? I hear you what you're saying, but your actions are so far off. "Actions speak louder than words."
When are you going to stop allowing men, women, things, and yourself to hinder you from moving forward into more?
It's as if you forget how you got through that one seemingly impossible situation. Or how you've been provided for even when you had no clue how it was going to happen.
Why do you allow worry to consume you? Why do you allow fear to stop you from moving forward? Why do you keep ignoring "that tug" about that situation?
Why do you run to others instead of getting into your quiet place and venting to the One who knows you better than any person on this Earth? Why won't you spend more time getting to know your creator's character instead of being distracted by the pointless things of this world?
There has to come a point when you stop negotiating with yourself about these bad habits, these distractions, these hinderances, these decisions. Throw them away. Block them. Eliminate them from your life. Truly surrunder them and TURN AWAY FROM THEM. Stop going back!
Do it today. Not tomorrow. NOW!!!
I can't believe you've truly had enough until your actions line up with your words.....Keep moving forward even if you get tripped up on the way, but please don't stop or move backwards.
YOU MUST PRESS ON! Often times you are closer than you think.
You know what you should and could do, but you don't.
You shout, cry, praise, and are in a good place temporarily, but it never lasts longer than a few hours, days, or months.
When will you TRULY decide that enough is enough? When will you finally stop allowing the temporary tough times to drive you to make impulsive decisions? When will you stop allowing the desire for a mate or these temporary worldly things to outweigh your desire for me?
When will you TRULY place your life in my hands? Not hold on to bits and pieces, but FULLY surrender it to me?
I know you're called to greater heights. You know you're called to greater heights. So why do you keep going around the same mountain and backtracking to the last course that I pulled you through?
When will you get tired of being stagnant and "learning the same lesson?" When will you be ready for new lessons and new triumphs?
Time stops for no man, so why keep WASTING it? Why keep wasting resources? Why keep using and abusing opportunities?
When will your YES to me really mean that? When will you NO to them and THAT really mean it? I hear you what you're saying, but your actions are so far off. "Actions speak louder than words."
When are you going to stop allowing men, women, things, and yourself to hinder you from moving forward into more?
It's as if you forget how you got through that one seemingly impossible situation. Or how you've been provided for even when you had no clue how it was going to happen.
Why do you allow worry to consume you? Why do you allow fear to stop you from moving forward? Why do you keep ignoring "that tug" about that situation?
Why do you run to others instead of getting into your quiet place and venting to the One who knows you better than any person on this Earth? Why won't you spend more time getting to know your creator's character instead of being distracted by the pointless things of this world?
There has to come a point when you stop negotiating with yourself about these bad habits, these distractions, these hinderances, these decisions. Throw them away. Block them. Eliminate them from your life. Truly surrunder them and TURN AWAY FROM THEM. Stop going back!
Do it today. Not tomorrow. NOW!!!
I can't believe you've truly had enough until your actions line up with your words.....Keep moving forward even if you get tripped up on the way, but please don't stop or move backwards.
YOU MUST PRESS ON! Often times you are closer than you think.
13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.
Philippians 4:13 NLT
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Luke 7:36-56
This was such an awesome text for me and God revealed so much to me through it.
Just to brief you, one of the Pharisees had invited Jesus over for dinner. A sinful woman heard about Him being there and she went there with her alabaster box of perfume. She came in and she was pouring out to Jesus. She was so desperate for a renewal and refreshing. She was at Jesus' feet crying, wiping her tears off with HER HAIR. (She wasn't worried about being cute, she wasn't worried about a fresh flat iron or curls falling.) She poured her good perfume on His feet. To me that showed surrender. That showed that she was willing to give Him her all and show Him just how serious she was! When the Pharisee that invited Jesus over to dinner saw this, he was trying to figure out how he was letting this "sinful woman" be all over Him like that. (Verse 39) The awesome thing about what happened after that showed me that you don't always have to fight your battles. He will intervene for you. You don't have to prove yourself to people looking on the outside. When everyone else writes you off, He comes in and intercedes and comes to your rescue! He shows His power! Let Him fight your battles. Just keep on pressing into Him! Keep on worshipping with all you got! Keep giving your all and watch HIM elevate you, heal you, free you, love you like no other in spite of!
Jesus gave Simon a straightening. He basically told him that from the moment that woman came to Him, she was showing how desperate she was. She had been at His feet crying and pouring out to Him. She was giving her all. She honored Him. She kissed His feet and poured her perfume on Him. He was like ummmm you didn't do any of that. Jesus gave Simon a good reminder that He came into HIS house on HIS invitation, and he didn't even greet Him that way.
People will try to bring up all your bad when you're trying to do good! When you're trying to push through and get past all the old things, people will try to remind you and others of WHAT YOU USED TO DO! They will see all your wrong, but won't even be sweeping up their own mess. Don't worry about who's spectating. Stop worrying about and being ashamed of your past. Stop being ashamed of your process. Don't worry about who knows what because if you go to Jesus and sincerely repent and turn away from the old things, YOU ARE FORGIVEN AND FREE! Don't let people keep you in bondage just because they have a problem with LETTING GO! Honey if you want to keep replaying my past, know it's just that, MY PAST! I'm stepping into something new. Every human is flawed in one way or another. There's NO EXCEPTION.
JESUS told her "your sins are forgiven." (Verse 48) Then he told her "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." I love how he told her to "go in peace" because He knew there were still going to be people talking. There were still going to be people trying to downtalk, downplay, and discredit her encounter with Him. There were still going to be people that couldn't accept her moving forward. There were going to be times where people and things tried to get her to feel bad about her past. BUT NO! When JESUS freed her, that was it. All that mess was forgiven and she was no longer in bondage. That old person was no longer her. I can't say this enough, DON'T LET PEOPLE KEEP YOU BOUND! Don't let your negative thoughts keep you bound. Rejoice over your past. You know why? Because your past is OVER!
Instead of feeling bad about the things you've done, say thank you Jesus for opening my eyes and allowing me to see that what I was doing was hindering me and not helping me. Thank You Jesus for loving me unconditionally and seeing how bad I wanted to be free.
He sees your heart. Even if nobody else sees when you're in your quiet time praying and crying and speaking over your life, He does. When you put your faith into action, He will show up and do His part.
It doesn't matter if it was just yesterday that you were doing something you know you had no business, if you want that true change, GO TO HIM! Even if the people who you were doing it with try to say "weren't you just out here last night doing such and such with me?" Again, DON'T LET PEOPLE KEEP YOU BOUND!!! Yes it's going to take consistency and dedication, but when you want it, YOU GO GET IT!!!
I pray that these scriptures encourage you. Let this woman and Jesus' encounter help you to realize that at the end of the day, He sees the heart! Even if not a single soul on this Earth ever believe you're genuine, keep pressing into Him! Keep going to Him with all you have and know that He will meet you right where you are.
I encourage you to read the text for yourself. The word is so awesome. Let Him take you deeper and give you wisdom and understanding that no man can!
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