People are dying and going to hell DAILY! There's SO many lost souls and we as "Christians" are sitting around so complacent and unaffected. We are afraid to get out of our little comfortable lifestyles and get uncomfortable for a little while in order to reach the next person. We are so focused on self and missing the people that are right before our eyes crying for help. This is NOT ok. We say we want to be used by God and want God to do this and that for us, but we are failing to do what HE has called us to do. We pray prayers like "break my heart for what breaks yours" and we obviously don't realize what exactly a prayer such as this entails. I was laying in bed and all I could do is think about how selfish we can be. We are worried about getting a platform before we do something. We are worried about followers on twitter. We are worried about the latest fashion and celebrity gossip. We are worried about finding love and making all this money to please people that don't have a heaven or a hell to put us in. It's so sad and I know God is grieved and probably even angry. We always look at God as this super passive being, when there are countless of times where he got fed up and people felt His wrath. Yes he is forgiving and yes He knows your heart, but "what is your heart?" The heart isn't always the prettiest, nor is it always right. ( The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:9, 10 NIV)
There are so many preachers that are totally neglecting what's important. They are preaching messages that have nothing to do with TRULY saving a person's soul. They are being catalysts to a bigger problem. People are already "chasing paper(money)" in order to please the next person or stay up to date with the latest fashion for some likes on Facebook, yet they don't know God. No where in the Bible does it tell me that I am successful because I have the biggest house. No where in the Bible does it tell me that I'm a good woman because I have on the shortest skirt, a degree, and I'm so independent. We have gotten so far away from THE TRUTH and it's getting worse. (What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? (Mark 8:36 NIV)
We have to stop looking to messages and people that are driving us further away from God's will for our lives. We have to stop expecting God to bless our mediocrity. Just because you are JUST having sex with one person and you two are "in love" and have been together for four years, but AREN'T married means NOTHING to God except, disobedience. People think this is ok. "Friends" are looking at friends and praising them for things that are so completely wrong, when they should be telling them the truth.
We have to stop playing with fire. Stop dabbling in sin and thinking just because you aren't doing this like the next person, you're super Christian. We are all human and have fallen short, but that doesn't mean make excuses. Get back to the basics and REALLY live this walk out. Stop worrying about people calling you "holier than thou" or "super saved." While I do believe there are some people that are WAY too deep and need a balance(that's another blog for another day), there are some people that are just GENUINELY passionate about pleasing God and spreading THE TRUTH because they love God and are really saddened by all the lost souls.
There's so much more to this Christian walk than going to church on Sunday, looking to God ONLY when we are going through, and just half stepping. We are meant to be disciples. It's time to suit up and stop PUNKING out or sitting around because you're afraid of what people will think of you.
I pray that we start REALLY being passionate about this thing. Stop causing division amongst ourselves because of jealousy. We could all be so powerful if we really remember that all the glory belongs to Christ anyway in the end. Let's spread God's word, truth, and L O V E people. So many people are truly lost and God is calling warriors to do what we're supposed to.
What are you doing to advance the kingdom of God? Why are you doing it? Why are you NOT doing it?
Daily heart check, motive check, and priority check needed! Lets get to work!
Facebook:Alesha D'shay
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