Monday, November 9, 2015

We Need You.

It's not always easy to continue pushing. It's not always easy to reframe your thinking when that fear and doubt creeps up. It's not always easy to think positively when so much negativity surrounds. It's not always easy to be patient. It's not always easy to pray. It's not always easy to have faith. It's not always easy to get up and take action. It's not always easy to have to self motivation. It's not always easy to not let the opinions of others affect us. It's not always easy to not conform to the ways of this world. It's not always easy to be strong. It's not always easy to just let God be God...

BUT GOD! Thank You for replacing your strength with our weaknesses. Thank You for allowing us to freely cast ALL of our cares on You because You care for us. Thank You for providing in big ways and in small ways. Thank You for understanding that we are so imperfect, yet you still LOVE us. Thank You for breathing an extra dose of patience on us when we're at the end of the rope. Thank You for stepping in right on time. Thank You for protecting us even when we don't protect ourselves. Thank You for your wisdom and understanding. You see the bigger picture. Thank You for constantly being a light in such a dark place. Thank You for Your spirit. Thank You for the constant reminders that YOU ARE GOD AND NOTHING OR NO ONE WILL EVER COMPARE. 

Please help us. We need You. Even when we think we have things under control, we still need You. Help us to run to YOU before we run to anything or anyone else. Help us to truly know You for who You are. Give us an understanding that only you can give. When you reveal Yourself, make it crystal clear. Help us to be on alert and not miss You. 


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