Today I will start my “fruit of the spirit challenge.”
For me, this is to help me to TRULY start exercising these beautiful
characteristics in my every day life. Life can be so hectic at times and
naturally, we can just become overwhelmed. Work, school, kids, friends,
family, husbands/wives, boyfriends/girlfriends….JUST LIFE.
In our carnal nature, when someone or something frustrates
us, we may not respond in love or with patience. We don’t always think before
we act. We let our fickle emotions control certain situations.
Having an 8 month old son, I have truly seen how impatient I
am. I love my son with every thing in me, but anyone who has kids I’m sure can empathize
with me and understand when I say that it can be plain HARD at times.
So as I’ve been in my prayer time and one on one with God, I
have been praying heavily about just being less emotionally led and more
spiritually led. I don’t desire to be that mother that constantly yells and is
short tempered with my child. I don’t want to be that woman that can’t control
her emotions and seem as though nothing ever satisfies me. I know that I will have to practice these daily with my future husband, so why wait? I can be putting these into actions in my every day life RIGHT NOW. I don’t want to be
that negative nancy or that friend that others are hesitant about even talking
to me. I know that continuing to ask God to help me exercise HIS fruit is where it will begin. In my on carnal nature, there's no way I'll shine bright. I know that this will only come through Him. So
pray for me and JOIN ME as I go on this journey of becoming filled and exuding